Upfront Blog
It hadn’t been done before: blog with original content for employees leading into Upfront, plus live blog and vlog posts from Madison Square Garden during rehearsals before the big day.
Welcome to the Turner Upfront Live blog! Our stowaway, Skylar, reported live from Upfront Rehearsal. Read his posts and watch his interviews to learn what happens before Upfronts.
First blog!
Monday, 9:30am EST
Skylar here! I have just arrived at Madison Square Garden, and I can already tell this trip is going to be a fun one. Having never been to New York, this is definitely a sensory overload, but I will fight through the shock, awe, and street vendors in order to give you the most genuine look at the 2017 Upfront presentation. We are still two days out from the actual show, but the Upfront team is already hard at work preparing the stage as if their lives depended on it. From what I’ve seen so far, the attendees are in for a treat. Whether it be the stunning stage visuals or the great crop of new shows being announced, one thing is for sure – this experience is going to be everything.
Full circle
Monday, 9:58am EST
As they’re running through the many videos, an advertiser was talking and I couldn’t figure out why I recognized his face along with most of what he was saying. Then it dawned on me, I transcribed the entire interview. My life as a Turner Studios T-3 comes full circle.
From what I’ve seen so far, the attendees are in for a treat. Whether it be the stunning stage visuals or the great crop of new shows being announced, one thing is for sure – this experience is going to be everything.
Sizzle heaven
Monday, 10:21am EST
TurnerNow guy here. (not Skylar) As Skylar said, this place is cool. When you think about how long rehearsals will go, as late as 10pm tonight and tomorrow, and that it’s only about 9:57 in the morning on day one as I check in, there is a long way to go.
Before I worked as your humble TurnerNow editor, I was a promo guy. I’ve seen a whole bunch of Upfronts but this is only my second time being at one. I love me a good sizzle, that’s what many call the videos that get shown at an upfront. I’ve never produced one but I have “we’re not worthy” kind of respect for the people who do. In the hour I’ve been here, I’m in sizzle heaven. The videos are freakin’ awesome. The shows look awesome. So it’s a bummer that Skylar and I can’t tell you about what’s in them yet. Dems the rules, family. We’ll give you color commentary about what’s happening, you’ll meet people here. However, even though each sizzle we see seems better that the one before (hard to believe) we can’t tell you specifics about them. I’m hearing my dad right now, “this hurts me more than it hurts you.” It does, it really does. But keep reading and watching because there are LOTS of stories to tell even if we don’t tell you about the video and content coming to you on Wednesday.
Setting the stage
Monday, 11:51am EST
Each block you see is an individual screen that makes up an enormous canvas for the presentation. Guess this is tuneup mode.
Backstage at Madison Square Garden
Monday 11:51am
Inside the Upfront Lobby
Monday, 1:20pm EST
Plan all you want...
Monday, 1:35pm EST
We’re coming to you live from Upfront with our laptops and we’re shooting Skylar with an iPad kit called a “Padcaster.” That’s how all the kids are doin’ it now, google it. We had a lot of prep time last week and everything was working great. We got here, unpacked our box full of toys for our first shoot and, you guessed it, things didn’t work. We did get it going but we’re just two people. I thought to myself later, better our little iPad than the tech that fuels the actual Upfront show. #firstworldproblem We’ll be showing you that stuff soon. How did it get to be 1:30? Time for lunch.
No matter where you go, there we are
Monday, 1:59pm EST
This is a monitor upstairs in one of the many Turner production offices showing what's happening inside the theatre downstairs. Of course lots of people are wearing walkies so that anyone can be reached at any time. Except for us. Nobody can find me and Skylar when they want us... MWAH.
Stephanie and Meredith's Excellent (Upfront) Adventure
Monday, 3:33pm EST
Upfront and Personal: Matt Kehrli
Monday, 4:14pm EST
Upfront Runs On Coffee
Monday, 4:49pm EST
Skylar here again! We're about halfway through our work day here at Madison square garden, (time really does fly when you're working all day) and all I have to say is wow. It's crazy to see how dynamic Upfront will be on Wednesday.
Changes are made on the fly and coffee seems to be the life essence of everyone in the building. It's also crucial to remember to step outside every once in a while to remind yourself that the sun exists.
I've had to opportunity to do some interviews (below this post!) one of which includes my own boss in turner studios. Through these interviews you really get a feeling of just how much work goes into such a huge show like this.
Upfront and Personal: Danielle Jotham
Monday, 5:20pm EST
Day and Night.
Monday, 5:54pm EST
Theatres like Madison Square Garden are meant to be big, windowless, dark places. When you’re here, you forget it’s the middle of the day until you walk by the doors on the way from point A to B. Then you think, “Oh right. I don’t have to go back to the hotel and go to bed when this is over.” Well, wait—that’s true unless you’re one of the people staying til rehearsals end at, yes, 10pm.
Backfront? Upback?
Monday, 6:00pm EST
Me and Rashida hanging out
Tuesday, 8:32am EST
Good Morning from Madison Square Garden.
Tuesday, 9:38am EST
Practice practice practice
Tuesday, 9:52am EST
If practice makes perfect, then this Upfront is bound to be nothing but. It's 9:30 and we're about an hour into the first run through of the presentation and I don't see it ending until after lunch (I'm already hungry just thinking about it).
The talent hasn't arrived yet, but as you've seen below, I've already had the pleasure of meeting cardboard Rashida Jones.
As the day goes on, I will be giving you a hands on look of what's going on behind the scenes, and really whatever else we can get away with.
The Skylar
Tuesday, 10:30am EST
Wow! Can't believe I've been here for two days and they've named an exclusive lounge after me!
Upfront and Personal with Dave & Gabe
Tuesday, 12:04pm EST
On Stage
Tuesday, 1:35pm EST
Upfront Humor
Tuesday, 2:42pm EST
Our friends at truTV have found the sweet spot of not taking themselves so seriously in a very funny way. They produced this great Upfront video with employees in mind.
Still Hard At Work
Tuesday, 3:47pm EST
Hey guys! We are still hard at work here in New York preparing for the live stream tomorrow at around 9am! So busy in fact that I missed buying concert tickets this morning, worth it as far as I'm concerned. Be sure to watch the stream though. Compliment me, heckle me, whatever feels right. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is such a surreal experience for me. The thought of being surrounded by the biggest names in the company as well as some of the biggest names in entertainment is tough to describe, starstruck being an understatement. Also, depending on what talent I run into tomorrow (hey Olan Rogers and Rashida Jones) you may never hear from me again due to fandom overload.
Will keep you posted. Or will I?
Wrapping up Tuesday
Tuesday, 5:15pm EST
TurnerNow guy here. The day isn’t over. Rehearsals continue in the theatre but since you are going home by now, we are wrapping up the live blog for today.
I want to share this with you. I’ve seen a bunch of tomorrow’s Upfront show by now. Know the jokes, saw the bites, watched the stand-ins do their best imitations or our talent. What I’ve only seen once or twice is a John Martin quote shown early in the show. I’ll share it (because it’s not new so technically I’m not giving away any trade secrets) with you now:
“In our next chapter at Turner, we’re not simply navigating a new media landscape. We’re shaping it.”
I promise-- I’m not a corporate hack feeding you a line. When you see our Upfront, when you hear what Turner is doing, when you listen to our executives, John’s quote is inspiring. And it’s true.
No matter where you work, I hope you’ll watch tomorrow and take it in. I think you’ll walk away as proud as I am.
Good morning from the blue carpet
Wednesday, 8:30am EST
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
Wednesday, 9:47am EST
Skylar participates in the lobby "social pods" where clients were able to talk to talent from our networks and shows. He and HLN's Robin Meade are now like this
Happening Now
Wednesday, 10:00am EST
This is what it's like inside the theatre. Crowded and energetic.
A Different Perspective
Wednesday, 12:43pm EST
Meet CNN's special contribution to the 2017 Upfront.
Goodbye from our first Stowaway
Wednesday, 12:48pm EST
Celebrating Success
Wednesday, 12:54pm EST
Turner Studios, you just rocked the Turner Upfront. Now what are you gonna do? Eat, drink and exhale. Here are some of the many amazing Turner employees who lost hours of sleep, some weight and hair (and gained a few new gray hairs) to put on the show. Thank you.